A Walk in the Woods at Night

A Walk in the Woods at Night

Year: 2024

Duration: ~5:00, in three movements

Instrumentation: Voice and Piano

High Voice version: Treble Clef, Bb3-A5

Low Voice version: Bass Clef, A2-F4

Text: JCCortens

Listen to and Watch performances of A Walk in the Woods at Night on (Art)SongLab’s YouTube Channel:

High Voice (Katherine Petersen, voice; Laura Loewen, piano)

Low Voice (Mel Braun, voice; Laura Loewen, piano)


A Walk in the Woods at Night has three movements (not individually titled), performed attacca:


Program Note:

A Walk in the Woods at Night (2024) is a setting of texts by JCCortens written based on our conversations and collaborative journaling process for (Art)SongLab 2024. Our shared experiences as gay men working in education led to some initial ideas based on the historic marginalization of queer literature under the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC).

Movement ii features a text previously titled “Transformation, 155.3 J68t” where JCCortens drew inspiration from a book by the same title and call number by Robert A. Johnson. The DDC call number 155.3 J68t then inspired some of the pitch material in the piano and voice lines of this movement, which creates a persistent, insidious undertone as the piece develops onward.

In addition to collaborating with JCCortens, I also had the privilege to collaborate with Katherine Petersen (soprano), Mel Braun (baritone), and Laura Loewen (pianist). During a week of rehearsals and workshops at (Art)SongLab, these three performers contributed their interpretive voices and helped to shape many of the nuances that led to the final edition of the score. Katherine, Mel, and Laura gave beautiful performances at the culminating concert of (Art)SongLab: both versions were premiered on June 29, 2024 at Eva Clare Hall on the University of Manitoba campus in Winnipeg, MB, Canada.


The Arrow and the Song